
Posts Tagged ‘preterism debate’

Hyper-Preterists Who Went M.I.A.

June 27, 2010 25 comments

    Most readers know that the abbreviation “M.I.A.” stands for “missing in action,” and is commonly used when referring to someone who is declared missing during active military service.   Nobody knows for sure what happened to people who are categorized as M.I.A.   They may have been killed, wounded, or become prisoners of war.  They may have even deserted.  However, until they are located —  which in many cases never happens  —   the classification stands good.  This is a serious issue, since many Americans have loved ones who entered military service overseas, and never returned.  It is nothing to joke about.

   However, we must remember there are ideological wars as well, which may be treated with a deal of levity.  In the apologetic world, there are times when we wonder whether some would-be hero has gone M.I.A.  Within the Hyper-Preterist community are a number of individuals who were active in the movement within the past couple years, but have since gone missing.  Nobody knows what has happened to them, in fact they’ve gone completely off the radar.  Of course, this is to be expected in any kind of social scene where people are coming and going on a daily basis.  But in a movement like Hyper-Preterism, which needs to impress the public that the church was wrong for 2,000 years on the basic A-B-C’s of eschatology, such losses don’t look good at all.  I mean, why would so many people be losing interest in a movement that has the “truth?”  The truth is supposed to keep Christians attached, no?  Well, when one looks closely at the history of the Hyper-Preterism during the last couple years, one will see that there are a lot of folks who entered the scene since 2008, but have since vanished.  I am not talking about anonymous network drifters, but known individuals who invested time and energy into the movement..

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Dave Embury: ‘Heaven Is Here!’

December 10, 2009 Leave a comment

“As I understand it… “heaven” is none other than the very presence [rule & reign] of God now more realised than previously known – something Jesus instructed his disciples to pray would come in the sense of being known and realised in THIS LIFE more than ever before, and something that according to John indeed occurred…

Mt 6:10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Rev 21:2-3 Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.

This is the very Presence of God NOW among men…

Larry Siegle Announces Upcoming Debate!

November 25, 2009 Leave a comment

  In a recent post entitled “Debate Notes,” Hyper-Preterist Larry Siegle announced that a written debate will be staged with Jeff Vaughn.  Vaughn is proponent of the consistent Hyper-Preterist view known as “Covenantal Creationism,” which understands the Genesis 1 account as being allegorical in nature.  This aligns with Hyper-Preterist views of 2 Peter 3 and other passages.  Siegle still holds the old-fashioned view that Genesis 1 is talking about a literal cosmological creation.  Sam Frost, a man many believe to be the token ‘scholar’ of the Hyper-Preterist movement, will be challenging Vaughn on this issue.

  Siegle writes:

“Coming soon to Preterism Debate will be a formal written discussion between Sam Frost of Reign Of Christ, and Jeff Vaughn of Beyond Creation Science.  This will be a unique opportunity for everyone to explore the significant differences that exist between the two sides.

The goal of the debate is to discover the truth as to what the Bible teaches about the Old and New Covenants and what this means in connection with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the restoration of people back into the Presence of God.

More information will be forthcoming about the propositions, the rules both sides agree to and the length of the discussion.  Although active participation from other members of Preterism Debate will not be allowed during the actual debate, it should provide information that will be discussed for weeks and months to come.”

  This latest controversy is now causing a division to appear between the opponents of Hyper-Preterism.  Adherents of the compromising faction (CF’s) are patting ‘conservatives’ like Frost on the back in an attmpt to win them over to their side.  Whereas those who stand strong on the issues, recognize Covenant Creationism as the only consistent form of Hyper-Preterism there is.