
Posts Tagged ‘preterist archive’

How Hyper-Preterists Lost The Ball

July 8, 2010 Comments off

    Anyone who takes a good close look at the Hyper-Preterist movement and compares it to how it used to be, will not fail to notice that Hyper-Preterism is in the worse shape it’s ever been.  I’m not just talking about the doctrinal controversies that are raging all around.  That’s only part of the issue.  I’m primarily talking about the entire lack of organization that has caused H.P.’s to spin farther and farther into the vortex of relativism and compromise, so that even the leaders of H.P. are reluctant to speak out against those who are destroying the movement with their newfangled teachings.

  Since Hyper-Preterism poses as a “movement” seeking to gain entrance into mainstream Christianity, it MUST have an organized leadership.  That would result in some kind of solidarity, even of a superficial nature.  And yet this is precisely what it lacks.  As I’ve stated often before, Hyper-Preterism’s refusal to consolidate some basic leadership structure, has been its ultimate undoing.  Now as the movement disintegrates into a hodge-podge of battling sects, H.P. enthusiasts become more and more wabbly on the parameters of the faith, so that doctrines that were previously taught with absolute certitude are now seen as “non-essential” to maintaining fellowship among Hyper-Preterists..

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Todd Dennis — “Fence-Straddlers Fall Hard”

December 5, 2009 1 comment

12/4 — Administrative: Added to list of reasons why the Hyper Preterist investigation demands attention #1: Because Full Preterism is absolutely not historical Christianity.  There is no fellowship between the two now, nor has their been historically.  (Let this be an encouragement to full preterists to spread their wings and fly towards their theological goals independent of the constraints of the Christian establishment.   Presently and historically, full preterist leaders who attempt to straddle the fence between the two worlds fall hard.)

“Paging Sam Frost!  Paging Sam Frost!”